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A lost cause?

2023 Feb 22, 2023

Only I could leave my phone in a random location in the UK, and it somehow is found and shipped back to me in the US. It arrives Friday... so if you've texted me... I'm currently totally offline. I can't even get into my main email due to 2FA and authenticators on my phone.

I am extremely lucky when it comes to recovering lost items. I call myself charmed in this respect. I've dropped diamond necklaces in car lots and had them handed into the nearest business, I've left  expensive purses in Starbucks and returned to find them sitting right where I left them, I've accidentally put my engagement ring in a pile of newspapers for it to go out in recycling and be retrieved right before it was collected... more times than I can remember... when that item should be lost forever, I've got it back. Tag watches, wallets, car keys... everything.

I drive Roddy potty as my brain is like a sieve, but I'm now so convinced of my "super-power" he says I'm even less careful as I'm sure whatever is lost will return to me.

(In other news, I had a temporary phone in the UK, which I also lost (don't tell Roddy) at Westminster Abbey, but of course, I found it. I thought I'd been pickpocketed, but happy days, I just left it in a random location, and it was still there when I returned.)

Am I the only one with this gift? I don't know, but I sure feel special...


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